Summer is here! Woohoo! We imagine that both you and your pets are very excited. Before your furry friends slap on the sun lotion and head to the beach, please take a few minutes to read through the following tips.


More than ever, your pet need access to fresh, clean water. Ensure that there is more than one bowl accessible, both inside and outside the house, in case they knock it over. Also, another popular idea is to put blocks of ice in their water, to keep it nice and cold. Along with some nice shaded areas to rest in, if your pet is feeling hot, they should be able to keep cool and hydrated.


Whilst snakes are marvellous animals, and most are harmless, there are some that are a danger to your pets, especially if they’re young or small. Make sure that your grass is cut and your yard is kept tidy of rubbish and wood. This gives them less hiding places. When walking your dog, keep them on a leash and away from areas with long grass, and of course if your pet is bitten try to calm them down and take them to the vet straight away.


Excess fur in the summer can cause your pet to get extremely hot, so it may be best to shave some off. Be sure to check how much is recommended for your breed first, as fur is still very important for protecting their skin from the sun. Also, check for ticks on a daily basis, as summer is when they’re most likely to find their way into fur.

Beaches and parks

On-leash times often change during the summer at both beaches and parks. It is well worth checking in advance so that you’re sure of new times, and the dates they start. Being prepared will ensure that your puppies and dogs have a great time when they’re out, and that no-one gets into trouble.


One of the best parts of summer is the food and the BBQs. Make sure you’re careful with what you feed your pet though. For example, definitely keep cooked bones, corn on the cob, grapes and avocado away from your dog. If you have a cat, again keep cooked bones out of their reach, along with raw fish, onion, garlic and chives. This way, you’ll all enjoy your meals!

Check out our pet insurance to look after them further and protect yourself, and of course have a brilliant summer!

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